Following many a sleepless night immersed in the fascinating realm of cannabinoids, Stuart McKenzie felt a relentless pull to establish a venture rooted in the straightforward ethos of transforming the world naturally. Throughout 2016, he assembled a diverse coalition of professionals and allies, bringing together a formidable team united by a common zeal: to increase the natural virtues of hemp and CBD across the globe. Thus, Reakiro was born as we recognize it today. Engaged in exhaustive research, the team soon discovered that they had initially underrated the true potential of the hemp plant.

Over six years, Reakiro has become a premier European manufacturer and supplier of full-spectrum and broad-spectrum CBD extracts, oils, capsules, gummies, and cosmetic products, all conforming to GMP/HACCP/GHP certifications. Reakiro maintains total control over its CBD production, guaranteeing a highly sophisticated, top-tier product. From seed sourcing to product design, precise formulation, and packaging, Reakiro is involved in every facet of the production cycle.

In a testament to its commitment to quality, Reakiro employs traceable batch codes imprinted on each product, ensuring complete transparency and earning consumers' trust. In the universal language of Esperanto, Reakiro translates to RECOVERY. Living up to our moniker, our mission is to enhance the lives of our global customers. Our focus remains on quality and innovation, ensuring we produce the finest hemp-derived products.

Reakiro has masterfully crafted three distinct brands to cater to a diverse range of consumer needs in its ongoing journey of innovation and growth. These include:

      1. Reakiro Full Spectrum: This brand encompasses a selection of full-spectrum oils, capsules, and gummies. Each product under this brand is designed to provide the full benefits of the hemp plant, capturing a broad array of cannabinoids in each formulation.
      2. Sool: Focusing on broad-spectrum products, Sool offers oils, capsules, and gummies. These products contain a wide range of cannabinoids, but with the THC removed, providing a versatile option for those seeking the benefits of hemp without the psychoactive component.
      3. Smart Restart: This brand specializes in CBD topicals, addressing the needs of those seeking localized applications. From soothing balm to invigorating gels and massage oils, Smart Restart focuses on providing high-quality, effective topical CBD products.

      Through these brands, Reakiro continues to uphold its commitment to quality, delivering a range of products that meet its global consumers' varying needs and preferences. With a portfolio that spans full-spectrum, broad-spectrum, and topical solutions, Reakiro is genuinely a leading force in the world of hemp and CBD products.

      Further demonstrating its versatility and commitment to the ever-evolving needs of the market, Reakiro also offers white-label services. This facet of the business empowers other companies to launch their line of CBD products, backed by Reakiro's established industry expertise and high-quality production standards.

      Under its white-label services, Reakiro partners with businesses to create customized, brand-specific CBD products. From concept to formulation and packaging to distribution, Reakiro provides comprehensive support. This ensures that companies can confidently enter the burgeoning CBD market with products that carry their unique brand identity while maintaining the superior quality standards that Reakiro is renowned for.

      In essence, Reakiro's white-label services provide a valuable opportunity for businesses to leverage the power of CBD and hemp products, all under their brand, making Reakiro a truly comprehensive partner in the world of cannabinoids.

      The Hemp Trades Association UK Ltd t/a Cannabis Trades Association is a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company number 10472540 41 Wincolmlee, Hull, Yorkshire, HU2 8AG, United Kingdom.
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