The Regulatory Framework & Rules for Association Members can be divided into four sections for clarity.

Association Standards

  1. To uphold the tenets and integrity of the Association, to maintain a professional and reputable business at all times in line with running a legal and responsible business model.
  2. To responsibly promote the benefits of the Association.
  3. Ensure that all sellers of branded products adhere to the rules of the Association.
  4. Ensure all products meet the labelling criteria the Association requires.
  5. To inform the Association of any changes in product line up and to ensure that labs are in place before offering for sale, or show you are working towards this.

Business & Trade Sector

  1. Never knowingly engage in activities likely to bring the legal cannabis and hemp trade sector into disrepute.
  2. Hold valid and appropriate insurances in respect of public and employers’ liability and any other required insurances.
  3. Respect intellectual property and legal commercial agreements, including trade marks, patents, licences, goodwill, and distribution agreements.
  4. Keep records of adverse effects and incidents involving any products you have manufactured, imported, or sold and where necessary notify the relevant authorities.
  5. Provide suitable warranties and guarantees consistent with prevailing consumer and sector related legislation.
  6. Ensure that all reasonable efforts are made to abide by the laws and regulations governing the manufacture, import, distribution, marketing, advertising, and sale of hemp and CBD products.
  7. Promote the responsible use of cannabis derived products.

Product & Testing

  1. Take a positive and responsible attitude towards product information and latest information as it becomes available.
  2. Never knowingly sell or misrepresent counterfeit or substandard products.
  3. To provide samples for routine testing at suitable periods and to ensure those records are kept up to date.
  4. To reasonably ensure lab reports are available for all products and available on request to the public.
  5. To never knowingly sell CBD products to anyone under the age of 18 (a minor), anyone purchasing on the behalf of a minor must be aware that products sold as food supplements, traditional herbal remedies or products with marketing authority have stipulated recommended doses.

Membership use of CTA branding

  1. Members of the Cannabis Trades Assocition may, subject to Condition 7 below and provided they comply with these rules, can reproduce the CTA logo on their business stationery, promotional materials and website (see example of logo below).
  2. Display of the CTA Logo denotes that the business or individual is a Member of the Hemp Trades Association t/a the Cannabis Trades Association. The fact that the CTA logo is displayed does not mean that the CTA is responsible for any act or omission of the Member, or that the CTA endorses or gives any warranty in relation to the Member or any of its products or services.
  3. Members must not use the CTA Logo in any way that represents that the Member or its goods and services are endorsed by the CTA, or so as to imply that those goods and services meet any quality standard. Nor may any Member use the CTA Logo in any way that represents that its goods and services are those of the CTA, or that the Member is associated with the CTA in any way other than as a Member, or so as to bring the CTA into disrepute.
  4. Members may enlarge or reduce the size of the CTA Logo provided their wording remains legible. The wording may NOT be changed or omitted.
  5. Members may reproduce the CTA logo in colour - Pantone 322u. Any other variation may NOT be made unless the Member has first obtained specific written permission from the CTA.
  6. As soon as anyone ceases to be a Member of the CTA, or the CTA revokes permission under Condition 7 below, the Member or ex-Member must stop the CTA logo, and must immediately remove it from its business stationery, promotional materials and website etc,. This applies even where specific written permission to use them has been given in the past.
    Products or displays on retailers’ shop floors featuring the logo should be replaced or relabelled within three months. Any logos featured on customers’ websites should also be removed with immediate effect. The CTA takes any logo misuse extremely seriously.
    Under the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 it states that it is an offence for a company or individual to falsely claim membership of trade associations and claim a product has been approved by a public or private body when it has not.
  7. The CTA reserves the right to withdraw permission to use the CTA logo (or any variation of them) at any time, without providing reasons for its decision, even if specific written permission has been given in the past.

The Hemp Trades Association UK Ltd t/a Cannabis Trades Association is a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company number 10472540 41 Wincolmlee, Hull, Yorkshire, HU2 8AG, United Kingdom.
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