This is a important opportunity for all members to participate in the CTA's decision-making processes, so do not miss it.


Welcome: By our host Aaron Spinks of Orange County and CBD Hub 

Members and Directors welcomed. Secretary for meeting MGW.

  1. Opening the Meeting – Marika Graham-Woods (MGW)
  2. Apologies for absence.
  3. Adoption of the Minutes from the August 2023 AGM 
  4. Matters Arising Minutes from the August 2023 AGM MGW 
  5. Presentation by Nick Morland of Tenacious Labs acting as Secretariat to the APPG Industrial Hemp and CBD about the Political and Regulatory landscape for hemp and cannabis in the UK.
  6. Presentation of Annual Report PR & Marketing Sian Phillips (SP)
  7. Adoption of the Report
  8. Presentation of the Finance Report MGW Adoption of the Report
  9. Presentation of Annual Report to the Members MGW
  10. Adoption of the Report
  11. Motions
  12. Board of Directors, standing down, nominations etc. MGW


Officers: Chair: Marika Graham-Woods, 

Presiding Officer: Sian Phillips, 

Company Secretary and Finance Officer: Chris Lambert-Dowell (Apologies received)

Attendees: In Person & Attendees Online – Quorate check

Annual Report
PR & Marketing Report
The Hemp Trades Association UK Ltd t/a Cannabis Trades Association is a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company number 10472540 41 Wincolmlee, Hull, Yorkshire, HU2 8AG, United Kingdom.
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